I had the joy of knowing and working with Hal and it was one “And not only that,” she continues, “but Hal was the recipient of 21 Tony Awards for Broadway shows he produced and/or directed.

It’s more than fitting, since the Majestic houses Phantom of the Opera, which was directed by Hal and it’s the longest-running show in Broadway history. In a video posted to her Instagram page, Burnett says, “Carol Burnett here to tell you how I believe, along with many others in the theatre world, that the Majestic Theatre in New York City should be renamed after the brilliant producer-director Harold Prince. Encouraging her fans and fellow Broadway-goers to spread the hashtag “The Majestic Is Fit for a Prince,” TV and stage icon Carol Burnett has launched a social media campaign to get Broadway’s Majestic Theatre renamed for legendary producer and director Harold Prince.